
I welcome all comments, suggestions and feedback...this is not a place to come talk trash or put another down...not only will you regret it you will be barred. With that being said "let's talk about something......
what pisses you off
what makes your toes curl
your bad azz kids
your job
You name it and it will be covered. Looking forward to seeing what you all have in store for me.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Nothing....absolutely nothing

   I am just getting over my second bout of strep throat in less than 60 days. My throat is still sore and since I opted for the shot in the butt, now my a$$ hurts too. To make things even worse, my damn house has come to a standstill....all of a sudden no one knows how to do s#$%! So instead of checking "FACEBOOK" every hour and living my life on there, I have decided to try blogging. I have way too much time on my hands! More time than money. I decided to start a blog and it has taken me 40 minutes to figure this out.

So I am sitting here watching "TLC's Four Weddings" and I'm thinking....damn..these are some catty women! No wonder women are always getting a bad rap! Honestly do we have to be that way? Come on fellow bloggers and blog followers give me some feed back?
What would you like me to blog about? The doctor is in and always available to distribute unasked for advice...you don't need a psychic...just someone to tell you thruth. This is where I come in.

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